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Conducting Stay Interviews

Nancy Ekpezu

November 29, 2022

I know you’re familiar with recruitment and stay interviews, but do you know about, and how to conduct stay interviews? Is that a new term to you as an administrator or a manager? In this article, and the embedded video, I have shared what stay interviews are, why they are important for staff retention, and how to go about conducting them.

Firstly, what is a stay interview?

A stay interview is simply that one-on-one meeting you have with an employee to find out what has made them to stay in your company for this long, and what you’re doing right, who they connect with the most that has been a motivation or source of encouragement to them. You could also discuss what their experience has been with your policies, procedures and company culture and their job description and role.

I would say it’s one of those proactive steps you take to ensure your company and leaders are doing it right with the employees, so as to retain them, instead of waiting until they resign and move on to other organizations.

You need to make the meeting so informal that the employee is relaxed to share intimate details of their experiences in your organisation and what it has been like, but at the same time, you should be professional enough to stick to company and work-related matters. The bottom line is that should not be a stiff meeting where the employee is intimated and not free enough to share what matters.

A stay interview should arm you with enough information to improve your organisation and make it more conducive for the employees.

Do you want to find out more?

Then watch this video I have put together for you.

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You might want to listen to the podcast version here.