Developing our Collabortive Skills with Glenn Krause #Administrationwith Nancy
On this episode of administration with Nancy Show, I had the priviledge of having Glenn Krause with me as a guest, to share from his wealth of expereince on the Collaborative School Leadership Process.
Mr. Glenn Kraus resides in Chicago in the United States of America and he is the Founder of the Collaborative School Leadership Institute. He retired after 37 years in education and served as a school counselor for 29 of these years.
In 2013, Glenn was the Educator of the Year for the Six County Chicago Area.
He is the author of the book 'I Love My Teenagers But I Sure Don;t Like Them'.
We know all too well, that we need to develop our collaborative skills as managers and administrators. We know collaboration is one of the key 4Cs of the 21st century. But, how do we go about it?
Is our ability to collaborate related to our temperaments?
What attitude do we need to adopt to collaborate effectively?
How do we collaborate effectively in an organization that promotes individual achievement and performance above teamwork?
We are aware that any manager or administrator who is a lone ranger stands the risk of not getting the cooperation of the people he leads or supervises. That is because as administrators, we need to come to a place of interdependence.
So. let us hear from Mr. Glenn Krause as he provides answers to these and lots more.
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