You really do not need a reminder as a school adminisrrator about the evaluation of your staff because I know it's already on your calendar. Even though we are always encouraged not to wait till the end of the school year to have a once-in a year evalution, the end the school year affords the opportunity to have a conversation with evety empoyee about their performance and make recommendations for improvement.
Performance management is an ongoing process throughout the entire school year. Checks are done with the staff under your oversight to ensure they are performing and for getting feedback from them about whatever areas they're having challenges while working at constantly improving.
Yes, we check in with them through the term and during the school year. But the end of year evaluation sort of makes it formal and gives you a documented evidence that can be kept in each employee's file for their performance.
The evaluation of the staff is one of your most important apspects of your job as an administrator or manager. It's important to have that conversation with the staff you lead about their performance. You'll provide feedback about the areas they need to improve on while first highlighting the areas they have performed well.
Then let them know in clear terms what you'd expect of them in the coming academic session even though you'll still have a time of goal setting as the next academic session commences.
I won't be dwelling much on performance management here, as I'd done previous posts and videos on this topic.
To view my videos on performance management, please subscribe to my youtube channel by clicking the button below.
Nancy is a management consultant and life coach. She's the author of the books The School Administrator's Companion and Dear Educator.
She trains and coaches managers and school owners and helps them to create a proper structure for effectiveness and improved work culture. She performs admin audits for organisations. She can be reached at or
Her new book The School Admnistrator's Companion can be bought at