Whist it is expected that your school has an inventory of the items in the stores, library, classrooms and laboratories, or facilities, the end of year is the perfect 👌 time ⌚ to know with certainty what items you're closing the school year with. Quite a lot of things go in schools where there are no checks.
Therefore, as a school administrator the admin officer, secretary, teachers, store keeper and facilities manager need to work with you to ensure that all items in the classrooms, libraries, laboratorries, admin office, books, furniture and material stock in the store are properly inventoried. Check all furnitire to be sure they have the school's label on them. items in the offices must have a tag and a unique number that labels them as the school's property.
If you have not been keeping an inventory of the items in your school, this is a good time to introduce it. Get an Excel Spreadsheet and ensure everything in the school is properly inventoried. And if you have already been keeping an inventory, then ensure that it is duly updated at the end of every school year. All resources given out must be accounted for.
There's nothing as terrible as constantly losing things to staff because no checks have been put in place. Inventories serve as a check.
The inventory gives you an idea about the things you may need to replace apart from the usual orders for the school's supplies.
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