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Nancy Ekpezu

March 9, 2021

We all know the parents are your customers in the school. Yes! 

But are you aware that the employees are also customers of your organisation? And that it matters how they are treated? 


It's a common saying that that the customers are king; but I always like to add that the employees are queens. And how the queens are treated will ultimately affect how they treat the kings who are your external customers. So we could say that all the employees are the internal customers while the parents and students are the external customers. 


Poorly treated employees render poor customer service to the pupils, students, parents and others, So, great customer service starts from within the organisation. 


Therefore, it matters how we as managers, administrators and school owners treat the staff in our organisation.


Latey, I've been facilitating in-house training sessions on School Customer Service in a lot of schools in cities across Nigeria and virtually for others, and I'd be delighted to do the same for your school or organisation. 


You can contact me to train your team on Customer Service at +234-8035880367 (WhatsApp), or send an email to Remember to subscribe to the channel and turn on the notification button. Also, like and comment on the video, and share it. Look for the other videos in the School Customer Service Series.


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