Suggestions on How Bullying Can Be Checked in Schools
Schools should ensure that their anti-bullying policies are etched into the consciousness of every staff
member, whether academic or non-academic by:
✔Holding Workshops to enlighten staff members on all the forms of bullying
✔Enlightening parents about bullying and the punitive measures that would be meted out if their kids
are caught in the act
✔Conducting assemblies regularly to speak against bullying
✔Ensuring form teachers, and even subject teachers, are more sensitive to their students i.e. their
moods, appearance, body language, performance, attendance
✔Emphasising on it regularly during PTAs, staff briefings, and form business in the classroom
✔ Creating a roster and assigning duty teachers who must be on alert and give a detailed report on what
happened during their days of duties
✔Placing posters or signposts in strategic areas around the school
✔Encouraging kids to speak up and stand up for themselves and peers when they see any form of
bullying practised.
✔Report every case of bullying. Let students know they aren't snitching when they speak up. Teachers
should also be encouraged to be approachable
✔Setting up a disciplinary committee comprising committed and disciplined staff members
✔Punishing defaulters appropriately irrespective of status
✔Following-up on cases of bullying that have been reported previously
Most importantly, these should be implemented!
Mmemshima Sharon Attai C
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