Hello there!
It’s your favourite person Coach Nancy!
I truly hope you and your loved ones are safe and sound.
Well, I just wanted to tell you what I am grateful for in the month of April, and to ask what you are also grateful for. I truly believe gratitude and thanksgiving are attitudes we need to develop in our growth journey as individuals. So may times, we don't see the progress we're making because we have not paused to reflect and to be thankful.
I achieved or was blessed with the following in the month of April, and I’m totally thankful for these and more.
I completed my second book 'The School Administrator’s Companion'. I had started writing this book after I published my first book Dear Educator last year. The lock-down afforded me the opportunity to put away distractions and work on the book to its completion. It has already been edited and is almost ready to go. I do not rush my books as proper editing and quality of content and looks are important to me. So, I'll do a second round of editing this week, as the digital designer is ready to go to work on it.
My TEDx Talk on Self Awareness was posted on the TEDx international You Tube Channel and it received 3560 views as at the time I wrote this post. I consider it a great honour to grace a TEDx stage as a speaker. I spoke at this event on the 1st of February this year and it was a wonderful experience for me.
I trained staff of three schools on how to set up their virtual classroom and got paid for it. That, to me, was a blessing considering the times we are in and especially as I did not have to push for any marketing to achieve this. These offers came from relationships I had built over time. I do not take it for granted to be able to earn anything in the pandemic.
Eighteen people took my online course Winning at Office Politics and they gave amazing feedback about it. I really like that I was able to open their eyes to understand how things work in an organisation, and how they do not need to play dirty politics, but keep it professional and ethical. I shared my personal experience in the course, and you may want to take it if you have not done so yet.
Three heads of schools took my online course 'Fundamentals of School Leadership', and they were wowed! It’s a new course I created in late March before he lock-down but I didn’t make much noise about it. You might want to take this if you are a school leader or aspiring to be one.
A particular lady bought all my online courses! Four courses in two days. She took the first one and was wowed! She decided to buy all the courses available because she got value. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be able to impart people and for the value I provide.
I attended and learnt immensely from five webinars on Zoom. Various webinars on how to forge ahead in the times we are in. They helped me further shape my thoughts around what is happening with the pandemic worldwide.
I spoke at three webinars on invitation and several people joined my platforms as a result of the value they got from my sessions. Looking forward to the ones in May. I already have two invites for speaking gigs in May.
I read the book 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne and it helped me to revisit my mindset and the thoughts I allow in my space. I had read this book in 2012 when I was working in a school in the southern part of Nigeria, and it was so great to go through it again. It was a book recommended to me by a business coach this month. Luckily, I already had a copy.
Someone gave me N30,000 as a donation and that was her contribution towards the success of my new book The School Administrator’s Companion. She had bought and read my first book Dear Educator and she was highly impressed at it. She decided to sow a seed toward my second book. Boy! Was I touched by this kind gesture!! Totally grateful for this!
I grew my email list from 54 to 202. I started the email list in the last week of March and barely knew what to do. I had to figure it out and I sent emails at least three times a week. I began to receive responses from the subscribers.
I wrote three blog articles and over 500 people visited my new website www.nancyekpezu.com. I had visitors from Nigeria (topping the list!), the United States of America, the United Kingdom, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Romania, Armenia, Sudan, Ghana, Rwanda, Seychelles, Tanzania, Egypt, Cameroon, India, Malaysia, China, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Malawi and a few others.
The last two things I did in April for which I am grateful are my little secrets for now. I’ll announce them in the month of May which is incidentally my month of birth. You need to send me a mail to ask me specially if you really want to know. Use info@nancyekpezu.com for mails.
I started to coach people on the coach-Meonline platform organised by The Catalyst Lanre Olusola. It was really an awesome experience for me. You can still reach me on the platform this month and you'll receive two free coaching sessions. Simply download the app coach-Meonline from the Google playstore; or access the platform from the web directly. Sign in and ask for Coach Nancy Ekpezu under the Life Coaches category. I'd love to be your coach as you navigate your way through this crises from the pandemic!
What are you grateful for in the month of April?
What were your wins?
What areas do you hope to improve on?
What blessing are you grateful for?
Want to share yours?
Over to you now.